Frequently Asked Questions

How do you know what I need and want?

QC Home Support Services (QCHS) offers personalized care to all our clients. We take time to get to know you as an individual along with asking questions about your needs and preferences. We can then properly address your concerns and customize a plan that meets those needs and your budget. Your services are scheduled when YOU choose and performed by a chosen and qualified caregiver who has a personality that makes you feel comfortable. We are always just a phone call away to deal with any issues.

How do I begin services?

We will come to your home at your convenience and by appointment and conduct an assessment, discussing with you and your family your wants and needs. There is no charge for this assessment. Once we have agreed on hours and a care plan QCHS will set up caregivers who have the right skills, personality and availability for you to meet and work with you.

Is there a charge for an initial consultation?

No. The initial consultation is booked at your convenience and is meant for us to get to know you and to help you understand your choices for care.

Can I choose my caregiver and when they come?

Yes at QCHS the choice is yours and always has been...If you do not feel our caregiver is compatible to you---we will make a change as soon as possible. You can choose the times of all your visits and the length and frequency of your visits. Minimum is 3 hours per visit. A care plan and hours will be agreed upon before services begin.

Can I change the hours?

Certainly...If you require more or less after a while....then we will change with you. For instance, sometimes after a would want a live-in caregiver. . As you grow stronger and more confident in may just need a few hours per day and then....maybe only a few hours per week. We work with identify the level of care you require and how often.

What is a live- in caregiver?

A live-in caregiver works, lives and sleeps in the household on a regular basis and provides homemaking and/or personal support services. Live- ins work well for after surgery care or if you are waiting for a nursing home bed or if family cannot be there because of distance.

What is a QCHS live-in rotation team?

When you require care 7 days per week, it is too much for one person. A QCHS live-in rotation consists of two caregivers taking their turn to live in your home and care for you for 3 days each on a rotation, sharing the 7 day work schedule. There are different combinations of live- in teams to meet your particular requirements. Examples of a 7 day need: --alzheimer /dementia, recuperating from heart surgery, returning home from hospital after a stroke or it can be an alternative option than going into nursing home.

When are services available?

QCHS services are available 24 hours per day, 7 days per week, 365 days per year. Whether you need 3 hours or 24 hours per day, QC is there.

How soon can services be provided?

At QCHS we deal with our clients concerns as quickly as possible. We have been known to make same hour call backs and will do our best to provide this type of quick response for you. Generally services can be provided within a 48 hour period and often the same day.

What type of clients do you deal with the most and where?

Although QCHS mainly deals with Seniors, we service anyone and any age group who require assistance in the home, work place, hospital, retirement home or long term care home. Examples are accident victims of any age, a young mother at home going through chemo and her children requiring daily care, private and/or supplementary care during a hospital stay.

Will I have consistency in the caregivers I receive?

Yes. At QCHS one of our goals is to provide you with consistent caregivers so that you can develop a relationship and feel comfortable with people who come to your home.

What if I have government funded care in the home (CCAC)?

QCHS can supplement the hours not covered by CCAC. Clients who are receiving ongoing services from the CCAC are eligible for an HST exemption for all our services.

What about cost?

At QCHS we offer flat rate live-ins, flat rate sleep shifts and competitive hourly rates. Many services - such as motor vehicle accidents are covered under your Insurance. Contact our office for a free in home assessment and quote. QCHS is an approved Veterans Affairs Canada Provider and can bill them directly.

The cost of our services may be offset by the Federal Disability Tax Credit, Medical Expense Credit, Caregiver Tax Credit, and /or Credit for Infirm Dependents. Contact your tax professional for the tax advice that would apply to your particular situation.

  • Private non-medical in-home care, staffing and placement services, serving
    London and surrounding area
  • Personalized Care Plans and Private Case Management
  • Direct Billing for Insurance Claims and MVA
  • Approved Veterans Affairs Canada Provider
  • VAC Health Cards Accepted